is a global pharmaceutical entity that can not publish world-wide product information, what once was a problem now is a solution. Health Info Park is a way to publish health information for each therapeutic area (i.e., Heart Disease, Asthma, Hairloss, etc.) Health Info Park turned out to be a credible place for health information.
While at Merck in one of my many charges as Managing Editor of, publishers came to me with a need for a faster, easier way to publish to the web with their rigorous and lengthy approval process. I researched enterprise CMS’s before deciding at that point, we needed a complete re-design from a static site to a more scalable and interactive site. Also, our current search feature functioned poorly and needed a more relevant usable search feature.
Pain points:
Must Haves:
Would Be Nice:
My Role:
Research: Used advanced sites,, to pattern ease of use and architecture. Interviewed stakeholders for 2 months (product mgmt, board members, legal, medical, marketing and IT). We were also able to Interview a pool of Doctors and other Health Care Professionals. The consumer interviews were done by outside agency.
Personas: The primary focus is on John Q. Public the consumer, while on professional sites the emphasis is on Dr.’s and Health Care Professionals. This splits the content direction into 2 buckets technical and novice. One of the public personas wanted to also see what the Dr. sees so we added a feature like “read more” to view more technical info on the subject.
Insights: Merck wants to be seen as a caring-wellness and progressive research entity. Business units would like a publishing tool that also tracks the necessary review and approval process. Product wants to publish health topics by therapeutic area. Health Care professionals would like to see a community feature. Users want to have information they can trust and be entertained while being able to recommend to friends and family.
Story Boarding-Wire Frames:
Design Critique:
Prototype/User Testing:
Conclusions: The redesign went smoothly. The content management piece proved the most difficult with customizing the approval process involving legal and medical changes and maybe a sign off. The user testing went well users were generally happy. The individual health sites went well with the normal hiccups. Overall it was a positive experience had by all.